JULY 2024
DID YOU KNOW. . . that Sweet Madeleine is on sale for $15.30? And, did you know that when our first born grandchild came into the world 24 years ago, Jerry named a very special white blend -- "Sweet Madeleine". Well, she's now an audio engineer, a job that pays the bills. But her first love is as the lead singer in the Funk Jazz band called "USP the Band". A job that definitely does NOT pay the bills. Go figure.

Don't forget that the "Hudson Valley Art" weekend is on July 18th thru the 21st. You can additional information on their website. 

JUNE 2024

DID YOU KNOW. . . that Half Moon is on sale for $15.30? Also, make a note on your calendar to come to the winery over the weekend of July 18th to the 21st. It's the "Hudson Valley Art" weekend. The winery will be hosting 2 local artists -- Jay LaLonde, welder/sculptor and Donna Stackhouse, fine hand-painted glassware. Hope to see you then.

MAY 2024

DID YOU KNOW. . . that Rosebud, my special 4-grape rosé, is on sale right now for $16.20? And, did you know that my prices have NOT increased for two years?

I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out with the economy showing no sign of lower prices. So, here's what I'll be doing to help out: first, check the Wine List for pricing. Notice the per bottle price for all my wines. When customers from the City look at my daily tasting menu, they automatically assume I'm listing the glass price!

Second, you may have noticed that my bottles and labels are all the same. That's true. Marketers know that most customers choose their wine by the label, the bottle, and the bottle placement on the shelf. I, on the other hand, have always chosen to put the finest New York State grapes, juice and wine; produced with the most loving care by me, into relatively inexpensive green or clear bottles. As for the labels. . . a former life (graphic design), taught me a lot about printing -- even the slightest type change is a major price increase! Sadly, the days of royal blue bottles with super heavy punts and beautifully elaborate 4-color embossed labels are gone, for now anyway. Actually, that never was my policy, because I never had to compete for shelf-space.

So, in case you're wondering, I'll be heading down into the "cellar" for my 28th year and hope you'll understand that things are a little more unsettled than usual. I'm about 4 months behind my regular schedule for having my wines bottled and ready for sale but all that's in the past. I'm psyched and ready to rip! Haha, that's a laugh!



APRIL (just talk today)

DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT. . . how life sometimes steers you in a direction you never, in a million years, would have planned? Sometimes, when I have a few minutes, I do turn around and wonder how did I ever get here? Certainly, I didn't ever plan on buying a winery. Jerry and I just happened to drive by one day -- the rest is history.


So, about a month and a half ago, I thought the winery was sold. I called the grandkids and told them to come over and take whatever furniture, etc., they could carry. Then I packed up what I would need at my house in NJ and made a couple of trips down there. The rest could wait for the movers.


Fast forward. I guess you could say my steering got screwed up. I made a U-turn and I'm back at the winery. Interesting though. . . I'm looking forward and planning some new blends for 2024! So much for steering.



DID YOU KNOW. . . well, maybe you didn't but I'm still here at the winery and looking forward to Thursday, March 21st. That's the Spring re-opening date at El Paso Winery! So, If you're wondering what happened, you'll just have to stop in for some FREE tastes to find out. Just kidding. Spring's almost here, the juices are flowing, and I don't want to waste one minute.

I know it's too early but I've already started planting seedlings. I do this every year, then throw them out, then drive down to Mountainview Nursery and purchase way too many young plants. . . I guess I just can't wait to play in the dirt. Although, I may not plant in dirt this year. I'm thinking straw bales! I did it once before and it's really cool (absolutely no weeding, disease, bugs, etc.) If you're interested, stop in for some of those FREE tastings I mentioned, and we'll talk.

I think having a garden again this year is one of the reasons I'm so happy to be staying here this summer. My house in New Jersey (where I'll be living when I retire) sits on a 50' x 100' lot. No grass, just white pebbles -- no garden.

Anyway, I'm still here and can't wait to say "come on in and have a taste"!

DID YOU KNOW. . . that I'll be back just in time for Easter! You heard me right when I said "I" because the buyers decided to back out of the sale right before closing. But, no worries, everyone that comes here all the time knows how sad I was about leaving. So, if you're not tired of this old lady, come on back and let's start up right where we left off.

Sadly, they'll miss the fun, the laughs, and especially the good wine that's here. Oh, well, life throws those curves once in awhile. So I decided to stay a little longer to be with all the old friends and new ones too for as long as the good Lord sees fit.

DID YOU KNOW. . . that the winery is now closed for the winter season? Not to worry though, you can still call me at 845-331-8642 to pick up any of your favorite wines. I'll still be in NYS for a few weeks longer. If I don't answer, just leave your name and phone number. I call you back as soon as possible.

IF YOU'RE FROM AROUND HERE. . . you already know about my "annual closing for the season" sale! It's my last sale of the year and all my wines and all the Donna Stackhouse hand-painted glassware is on sale for 20% OFF! 


DID YOU KNOW. . . that ROSEBUD is not only back on the shelf but on SALE! On SALE for $16.00!

And if everything goes as expected, Niagara White, Claudia's Kiss and Ruby Red will be back sometime next week. So, keep an eye on my website. I'll post them as soon as their bottled. As promised, in time for Christmas!

Don't forget. The winery closes for the season on New Year's Eve!



NOVEMBER (Cont'd.)

Also, Owen's Own, Golden Oak, Nora's Favorite and the new Mellow Red are back too. Next on my list are the Niagara's and Ruby Red. All your other favorites should be available in the next few weeks as well. Thanks for understanding. Stop in for some FREE tastes.


By now most of you know I had back surgery last month and I'm CURED! As a matter of fact, if you were to stop in the winery right now, you'd see all the empty display "cubbies". That's because I wasn't suppose to lift, bend or twist for a few weeks before and after the surgery. But, I'm back and dancing double-time. Actually, I should have Black Bear, Owen's Own, a new Mellow Red, Golden Oak and a new Nora's Favorite by next week or certainly by the following. I was sedentary for so long I was actually anticipating getting back to work in the "cellar".


So, "thumbs up" and "hats off" to back surgeon, Dr. Alexander Riccio, at the Bone and Joint Center in the Albany area. Everything went exactly as he said it would. And thanks to Johnny and Brenda Wolfeil for taking the absolute best care of me.


Thanks so much, Dr. Riccio. I couldn't have done without you. Maryl


SEPTEMBER (Cont'd from Home page)
Also, DID YOU KNOW. . . that my outstanding Pinot Noir is on sale right now for $22.00? And, in case you didn't know, El Paso Winery is FOR SALE? Yes, it's time. Everyone knew the time was coming especially since Jerry's passing. But, to be sure, I'm still here and remember, there's always Plan B. Plan B is to CLOSE for the season like I do, and RETURN next Easter!


I keep telling myself that there's another chapter in these bones. The problem is. . . I just don't know when that chapter starts. Maryl



JULY (Cont'd from Home Page)
Everything considered though, life is good and it's now time for me to start a new chapter. So, until then, I'm still here, although mostly "in the cellar" -- Thursdays thru Sundays, 1 - 6pm.

             Hope to see you soon, Maryl

DID YOU KNOW. . . that El Paso Winery is open for business. and has never been permanently closed? Well, if you look up El Paso Winery on Facebook, that's exactly what you would see.

I, who know absolutely nothing of how Facebook works, and who, many years ago had my page created by someone I can't even remember, taught me how to edit my seasonal closing, any changes to my hours of operation and an occasional new post. So, last week I decided to check this out and "yes" it's true. Not only does my page state that the winery is permanently closed, it seems that all current postings have been removed and the most current ones are from 2021. I, now have spent hours trying to re-edit my page but to no avail. I can't even log on to it. I don't even know the correct terminology to use, but it seems to me my page has been hacked.

So, until I can fix this mess, the only thing I can say right now is . . . it sure is dumb being so  dumb. And, "yes" El Paso Winery is open and I'd love it if you'd stop in for a few FREE tastes! 



DID YOU KNOW. . . (Cont'd.)
some kind of heating mechanic named Phil. All I know is that he came, he looked the situation over, he came back with a new boiler, AND INSTALLED IT THE NEXT DAY! And, he did it all by himself!

Then, it was about a day or so after the boiler install that I was talking to Isabel. I told her I was going over to the winery one more time to check on the temperature -- just to be on the safe side. It was late. I was in my slippers. I threw on an old jacket and walked over. I opened the door and before I could put the lights on, WATER POURED OUT! Totally soaking me and my bare slippered feet. It appeared to be gushing from the loft but how could that be? There aren't water pipes up there. After I gained by senses, I could see that the faucets in the little sink were blown off and iced cold water was shooting up  -- not pouring down. And here I thought I had remembered everything Jerry taught me about how to close down the winery before winter set in so that pipes wouldn't freeze.
Oh, well. . . just one more thing -- my washer/dryer gave up the ghost the other day.

I think I'll take the next bus out of town.

I'm still keeping the faith and trying to giggle along the way. . .

                                                       Hope to see you soon, Maryl




© 2007 El Paso Winery • 742 Broadway Route 9W • Ulster Park • New York 12487 • (845)331-8642


+ 2 oranges
+ 1 lemon
+ 1/2 lime
+ 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar
(no sugar if using  sweet wines)
+ 1/2 cup brandy (cheap!)
or your favorite booze
+ 1 liter bottle seltzer or ice  (optional)
+ 2 bottles fine El Paso wine
+ More fresh cut up fruit
      Add friends NOW!

Squeeze first 3 ingredients into small bowl, add sugar. Stir or nuke until dissolved. Stir again.

Add a few ice cubes to cool. Now, throw everything into a large pitcher! That's it! Pretty cool, huh?

(In a hurry? No fresh fruit? Use frozen concentrated juices instead but don't dilute them.)

Try it! You'll love it!
It was voted the "Best Sangria in the Valley" by Hudson Valley Magazine.